Welcome to New Life Mid Life, if you have found yourself
here CONGRATULATIONS. I am guessing you are stuck, know your life could be
better and searching for some answers.
You may be looking for more meaning in your life or perhaps you have recently been through a traumatic time and its now time to start loving YOU first,
Fill your own cup first and share with everyone else from the overflow. Believe me it will make you stronger.
Have you noticed when you are a passenger on a plane and they do the safety drill should there be an emergency, your are instructed to put your own oxygen mask on first.
Without looking after yourself first you are not at your best to look after anyone else, no matter what you may think.
That’s what happens you see, we go through life living life by default and on automatic pilot, putting everybody else before ourselves.
You have been so busy looking after the kids and saying yes to others because they asked and you couldn't say no. All this on top of working full time and running the family home.
Then all of a sudden we are entering mid-life and wondering what we have been doing with our life and what we are going to do with the next. Up until now we never gave what was going on in our life a second thought. This is how it has always been.
At New Life Mid Life, we are here to catch you when you get that awareness that something is just not right for your life, and you are looking for answers.
All the above is normal, the biggest fear we all have apart from public speaking is the fear of not being good enough. I have been fighting this one for years and only recently beginning to master it.
The secret is if you want to live a better life you need to take action now, stop procrastinating and putting it off until tomorrow. Not big humungous scary action, although you can if you want.
Sidenote: I recently took a five-week comedy course that ended up with me doing a 6 min spot on stage. Was it scary? Hell yes! What did I feel like after it? I felt awesome and so proud of myself and even went and did an open mic night at a comedy club a month later.
Baby steps are enough to get things happening, but you do need to take that first step. As Einstein (check) says “You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect your life to change” YES, you need to do something different.
So, are you an action taker or do you leave everything in life in the too hard basket?
If you are a little nervous that’s OK, just be curious for now and see what happens.
New Life Mid Life is a creation of mine after spending 12 years going around in circles in the self growth, self development field. Some things I could master, while others I would sabotage again and again. I get it, I understand what you are going through.
Mastery at anything takes time [calculated number of hours] so we won’t be doing everything all at once, we will take, baby steps, small bite size pieces (have you read Brian Tracey – Eat that Frog).
I am here to share my lessons, research, and useful resources to hopefully make your journey a little smoother and quicker than mine.
We will start our journey looking at where we are now. This is critical because if you don’t know where you are starting how will you know how to get to where you want to be. I do hope you take me along on your journey starting with the Wheel of Life assessment.